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What is randomizing a playlist versus just shuffling inside Spotify?

Randomizing a playlist is about permanently rearranging the order of your songs into a new, random sequence within the playlist itself.

Randomizing a playlist involves using an algorithm to generate a random permutation of your songs, resulting in a fixed sequence that changes the stored order of your playlist. Unlike temporary shuffle functions that randomly select the next song during playback, this process alters the actual arrangement of tracks, providing a consistent yet unpredictable listening experience each time you play the playlist.

Why would you want to randomize a playlist versus just shuffling inside Spotify?

Randomizing your playlist allows you to experience your music collection in a fresh and unexpected order every time you listen. By permanently changing the track sequence, you can revisit and share this unique arrangement with others. This method ensures a consistent playback order across all devices and sessions, eliminating the variability of shuffle algorithms that may not be truly random or may favor certain songs over others.

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