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Sort by Circle of 5ths (Camelot Wheel)

What is Circle of Fifths (Camelot Wheel)?

The Circle of Fifths (Camelot Wheel) is a visual representation of the relationships between musical keys, arranged by their harmonic compatibility.

The Circle of Fifths, also known as the Camelot Wheel in DJing, is a diagram that arranges the 12 musical keys in a circular pattern, where each key is a perfect fifth apart from its neighbors. This structure reflects how closely related different keys are based on their key signatures and harmonic relationships. In the Camelot Wheel system, each key is assigned a number and a letter (e.g., 8B for A minor) to simplify harmonic mixing, making it easier to transition smoothly between compatible keys in a mix.

Why would you want to sort by Circle of Fifths (Camelot Wheel)?

Sorting music by the Circle of Fifths (Camelot Wheel) allows for seamless transitions between tracks with harmonically compatible keys, creating smoother and more pleasant listening experiences. This is particularly beneficial for DJs and music enthusiasts who want to maintain a cohesive musical flow and avoid jarring shifts in key during a set or playlist.

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