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Sort by Tempo (BPM)

What is tempo (BPM) when it comes to music?

Tempo is how fast or slow the beat of a song is.

Tempo, measured in beats per minute (BPM), is the speed or pace of a musical piece. It represents the frequency of the rhythmic pulse in music, indicating how fast or slow a song is played. This measurement provides a standardized way to describe and compare the speed of different musical compositions.

Why would you want to sort by tempo (BPM)?

Sorting by tempo allows you to organize your music based on its rhythmic speed, enabling better playlist curation, mood matching, and energy flow control. This organization method helps create cohesive listening experiences, supports specific activities, and allows for smoother transitions between songs. It's a powerful tool for DJs, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone looking to tailor their music to specific moods or situations.

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