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Sort by Energy

What is Energy?

Energy is a perceptual measure of the intensity and activity in a piece of music, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.

Energy in music is a measure that reflects how intense or active a track feels based on various perceptual features. It is calculated using attributes like dynamic range (the difference between loud and quiet parts of a track), perceived loudness (how loud the track sounds), timbre (the character or quality of the sound), onset rate (the speed of notes or beats), and general entropy (variability and complexity in the music). Higher energy values typically correspond to music that feels fast, loud, or complex, while lower energy values are associated with calmer, softer, and more relaxed tracks.

Why would you want to sort by Energy?

Sorting by Energy allows you to quickly organize your music based on the intensity of each track, helping you find the right mood or atmosphere for any situation. It simplifies the process of creating playlists that match specific energy levels, making it easier to control the vibe of your listening experience.

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