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What is Popularity?

Popularity is a numerical score between 0 and 100 that indicates how frequently a track is currently being played on Spotify.

Popularity is determined by an algorithm that primarily considers the total number of plays a track has and how recent those plays are. Tracks with more recent plays are given a higher score. The popularity score may lag by a few days because the data isn't updated in real-time. The score is specific to each track, meaning that different versions of the same song (like a single or album version) will have separate popularity scores. The popularity of an artist or album is derived from the average popularity of their individual tracks.

Why would you want to sort by popularity?

Sorting by popularity allows you to easily discover the most current and trending tracks. It helps you stay up-to-date with what is being widely listened to, which can enhance your listening experience by focusing on music that is currently resonating with a large audience.

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